Choose your Membership Level
Membership is a way for A Writer’s Thoughts to consistently provide quality content to its dedicated readers via a subscription based service.
Each tier gives opportunities the casual browser or general subscribers to the site wouldn’t normally have available to them. Paid subscribers are granted access to our discord server with permissions granted based on their subscription level. Verification will be required and all members are asked to use the user name they registered on the site so their member tier can be verified and roles properly given.
Additionally They gain access to all the benefits of a Traveler subscription.
A Master of Arms Subscription gains access to everything on the previous tiers, but also first look at new posts be they story based, world development, or just Matt’s general posts. New posts will be released on Mondays, following an announcement that they are on the horizon. Lastly Master of Arms members will also get sneak peaks at book cover concepts and a preview of the first five chapters of Matt’s current novel before it enters the next draft phase.
Magus Level subscribers gain everything from the previous subscribers, plus exclusive first access to any world developments ideas, conceptual drafts of stories in development, previews of new maps as they are being developed and the lore behind them. Magus subscribers will also get to comment on questions Matt has about world development and story concepts he may be thinking of and a chance to be recognized if their input becomes a post on A Writer’s Thoughts or part of a future novel.